One bottle of Jack and the words “I’m sorry” are all it takes for Charley’s world to turn upside down… again. Charley has a decision to make. Does she sink or swim?
After Dylan reminds Charley that he always has the upper hand, she decides it’s time break free. But how? She uses her past, present, and what she hopes to be her future to find her freedom.
With the help of Cash Money and the Kluft Girls, she devises a plan to take down Dylan. Will she succeed, or will she find that she will never escape his hold? Once this plan is put in place, who will be by her side when it comes to an end? And will this plan include Jackalope Joe?
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I decide not to waste much time on my wardrobe. I grab my new jeans, a long-sleeved white tee, boots, and veto drying my hair by putting on my favorite camo ball cap. Once I’m ready, the girls and I grab a bite to eat and all go our separate ways. I crank up the radio and the heat in the Honda. It feels like minutes instead of an hour when I realize I’ve been lost in thought the majority of the way. Can we say dangerous? Note to self: focus while driving.
I pop in our drunk mix cd that Caroline always plays in her room while we drink PJ. It’s a lot more comical to listen to while sober.
Seriously, the country version of “Gin and Juice” and “The Monster” by Eminem? I can’t help but laugh. It doesn’t get any better when “Genie in a Bottle” by Christina Aguilera begins playing. What was she thinking? Oh, wait. She wasn’t thinking because she was drunk.
Seriously, the country version of “Gin and Juice” and “The Monster” by Eminem? I can’t help but laugh. It doesn’t get any better when “Genie in a Bottle” by Christina Aguilera begins playing. What was she thinking? Oh, wait. She wasn’t thinking because she was drunk.
I approach Grassy Pond, and nothing has changed since Thanksgiving. It’s still stoplight after stoplight. I can’t wait to hit that gravel road. I see the farm approaching and feel the butterflies within my stomach. For once, I’m excited and relieved to be home.
Turning off the ignition, I see Blue running toward me. As soon as I’m out of the car, he attacks me. “Yeah, boy, I’ve missed you, too.” I rub behind his ears and then make my way to the house.
There’s no need to hurry, because as I glance up, Tessa and Mama are in full out sprints. I giggle inside. Tessa wraps me in a tight embrace.
“Miss me much?” I smirk.
“Char, I swear. Mama and Daddy have been workin’ me to death on this farm. If you didn’t get home soon, I might actually have had to take care of those stupid goats, not to mention sloppin’ the hogs. Yuck!”
I should have known Tessa was more excited because that meant less work for her, but that’s my sis, always missin’ when a little hard work needs to be done.
“Hey, hun, I’m glad you’re home. Your dad’s gone into town to get a few posts for the fence. I don’t know what has gotten into that bull out there. It’s like he just doesn’t know which side he belongs,” Mama says.
I pop the trunk and grab my bags. Mama grabs my laundry basket, and we make our way into the house.
As I walk through the screen door, the sound of an F250 that I’d know anywhere rings in my ears. I smile and throw my bag at the bottom of the stairs. I do a one-eighty, press the screen door open, jump off the stairs, and run as fast as my legs will go to that perfect sound. Cash opens the door and steps out in one swift motion. He has on a pair of jeans, a white plaid pearl snap, camo hat, and boots. Damn. I jump straight into his arms and hold him as close as possible.
“Miss me much?” He winks.
I begin to laugh uncontrollably. “You know, I just used that line on Tessa.” I pull him closer. He looks into my eyes, smiles with that damn dimple, and I feel complete. Cash Money makes me whole.
He finally puts me down when he hears the screen door open. I see Tessa standing there with her hands on her hips. “Um, did y’all plan that?”
“Plan what, Tess?” I question as I straighten my long-sleeved white shirt. Then, it dawns on me. Jeans, white shirt, camo hat, and boots. Cash and I look like we planned our freakin’ wardrobe.
“What can I say? Great minds think alike,” Cash says
as he slaps my ass while we walk toward the house. We go inside and Mama has lunch waiting.
as he slaps my ass while we walk toward the house. We go inside and Mama has lunch waiting.

My Review
First... if you haven't read No Turning Back yet please stop reading right now.... I don't want anyone to have the first novel spoiled for them.... go read the first one and then come back and read Finding Charley!!!
This story picks up where No Turning Back left off. Charley is heartbroken because she feels betrayed by a friend, Joe, who was helping Dylan all along. Why would Joe betray Charley though... of course Charley wants to know that and so do we. The whole situation just doesn't make sense.
Thankfully though, Charley has the Kluft girl on her side to help pull her through and keep her whole! I love the bond that these girls have built!! They have such a strong friendship that is like a sisterhood! It reminds me of a mini sorority without all the greek aspect. They truly care about each other and will do whatever it takes to have each others backs.
Back at home Cash Money is there as her best friend and the person that will always love her! She truly loves him too but with this hold that Dylan has over her there isn't much she can about her feelings towards Cash. She doesn't want anything to happen to anyone and she knows how unstable Dylan is.
"Through thick and thin, Cash Money is my rock, and I know more than anything that the love I have for him runs deeper than any river. I feel his love moving from within my veins."
There comes a point in every person's life when you feel you must take back what has been taken from you. It is time you are able to live your life to the fullest without any fears and Charley has finally reached that point. She comes up with a plan with the help of Cash and her friends. Will it work though??? Can she finally be rid of Dylan and live her life?
This was a great read and I thought the author did an amazing job with the story! It has a great flow and isn't rushed but you don't feel like things drag on either. It is a rare gem to find and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book, Loving Charley. There is a cliffhanger ending and we will have to wait until book 3 to see what happens next.
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Don't have No Turning Back yet? That's okay! It's on sale for 99 cents! Get your copy today!
About the Author

After reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston her senior year of high school and multiple Nicholas Sparks’ novels, she found a hidden love and appreciation for reading.
Casey is an avid reader, blogger (Hardcover Therapy,) and now author. No Turning Back (Full Circle #1) is her debut novel released September 30th.Her goal is to one day be an author who is recognized nationwide like Jamie McGuire, Colleen Hoover, Tiffany King, and Amanda Bennett.
When Casey isn’t reading, you can find her listening to country music, spending the day at the lake, being a wife and dance mom, and spending time with friends and family.
Her perfect day consists of water, sand between her toes, a cold beverage, and a great book!
More about Casey Peeler
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