Love. Marriage. Infidelity. Crises of identity. Death. Cupcakes. The themes in Right Click, the third and final installment in the Click series, couldn't be more pressing for this group of friends as they navigate through their 30's. Another six months have passed since we last eavesdropped on the hilarious, poignant and oftentimes inappropriate email adventures of Renee and friends. As the story continues to unfold, relationships are tested and some need to be set "right" before everyone can find their "happily ever after."
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 8:42 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 8:42 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: James Lipton
Hi, Sweetie. You sounded downright chipper yesterday
talking about your own agency. I'm so
glad you have something positive to focus on aside from how lucky you are to
have me as a best friend. Oh, and your
wedding to Ethan.
talking about your own agency. I'm so
glad you have something positive to focus on aside from how lucky you are to
have me as a best friend. Oh, and your
wedding to Ethan.
So Nick and I have become obsessed
with Inside the Actor's Studio. Even
though I hate celebrities, I can't seem to tear myself away from this
series. My fav part is the James Lipton
questions at the end. So much so, that
I've put together my responses for when being as hot and fabulous as I am
merits inclusion as a guest on the show.
with Inside the Actor's Studio. Even
though I hate celebrities, I can't seem to tear myself away from this
series. My fav part is the James Lipton
questions at the end. So much so, that
I've put together my responses for when being as hot and fabulous as I am
merits inclusion as a guest on the show.
Want to play along?
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 8:48 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 8:48 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
I'm not surprised that Nick likes
the show. He's totally star struck. He is constantly asking me about any
celebrities I've worked with and when we saw that actress from The Good Wife,
he was giddy. The questionnaire sounds
fun. Send the questions over.
the show. He's totally star struck. He is constantly asking me about any
celebrities I've worked with and when we saw that actress from The Good Wife,
he was giddy. The questionnaire sounds
fun. Send the questions over.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 8:56 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 8:56 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
He is pretty star struck. It's actually quite sexy. He likes to pretend that I'm a famous actress
and he's a fan. But that's a story for another
time. Okay, here are the James Lipton
and he's a fan. But that's a story for another
time. Okay, here are the James Lipton
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on?
What turns you off?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you hate?
What is your favorite curse word?
What profession other than your own would like to
What profession would you not like to do?
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when
you arrive at the pearly gates?
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on?
What turns you off?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you hate?
What is your favorite curse word?
What profession other than your own would like to
What profession would you not like to do?
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when
you arrive at the pearly gates?
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 8:59 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 8:59 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
OMG! I am already reeling at the thought of your
X-rated answers.
X-rated answers.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:00 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:00 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Yeah, mine are pretty good.
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 9:00 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 9:00 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
Are you going to share?
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:01 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:01 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
You first.
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 9:19 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 9:19 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
Okay. Here goes…
What is your favorite word?
Thank you. Okay, it's two words
but one phrase that I feel like no one says anymore. As you know, manners are very important to
What is your favorite word?
Thank you. Okay, it's two words
but one phrase that I feel like no one says anymore. As you know, manners are very important to
What is your least favorite word? It’s a tie between “moist” and “panties” with
extra "fingernails-down-the-blackboard-style chills" when the two
words are used together.
What is your least favorite word? It’s a tie between “moist” and “panties” with
extra "fingernails-down-the-blackboard-style chills" when the two
words are used together.
What turns you on?
Humor. That's probably why I'm
head over heels in love with Jon Stewart...oh, and Ethan too. ;)
What turns you on?
Humor. That's probably why I'm
head over heels in love with Jon Stewart...oh, and Ethan too. ;)
What turns you off?
Petty squabbles. The world has
enough problems without arguing and fretting over inconsequential stuff.
What turns you off?
Petty squabbles. The world has
enough problems without arguing and fretting over inconsequential stuff.
What sound or noise do you love? My sweet angel, Siobhan, in fits of giggles.
And believe me, no one gets her laughing it up like Auntie Renee.
What sound or noise do you love? My sweet angel, Siobhan, in fits of giggles.
And believe me, no one gets her laughing it up like Auntie Renee.
What sound or noise do you hate? Airplanes taking off. Fatal accidents are more likely to occur
during the climbing stage of flight and that sound of the engines revving up
just fuh-reaks me out!
What sound or noise do you hate? Airplanes taking off. Fatal accidents are more likely to occur
during the climbing stage of flight and that sound of the engines revving up
just fuh-reaks me out!
What is your favorite curse word? Mother#@$%er! Enough said!
What is your favorite curse word? Mother#@$%er! Enough said!
What profession other than your own would like to
attempt? Professional cake
decorator. It looks so fun and yummy.
What profession other than your own would like to
attempt? Professional cake
decorator. It looks so fun and yummy.
What profession would you not like to do? Accountant.
As you know, my checkbook rarely balances.
What profession would you not like to do? Accountant.
As you know, my checkbook rarely balances.
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when
you arrive at the pearly gates? I know
Jews don't believe in heaven, but we're happy to have you here, the cupcakes
are calorie-free and your hair looks great.
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when
you arrive at the pearly gates? I know
Jews don't believe in heaven, but we're happy to have you here, the cupcakes
are calorie-free and your hair looks great.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:25 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:25 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
Moist panties? That was my answer for favorite word. Ha-larious!
THANK YOU (I know you love hearing that) for the embellishments on the
responses. Definitely puts things into
more perspective for me. Time for my
responses. Are you sitting down?
THANK YOU (I know you love hearing that) for the embellishments on the
responses. Definitely puts things into
more perspective for me. Time for my
responses. Are you sitting down?
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 9:29 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 9:29 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
I am sitting down. And I’ve got a cold drink of water on hand in
case I need to douse the flames of the heat rising inside of my loins from your
tawdry responses.
case I need to douse the flames of the heat rising inside of my loins from your
tawdry responses.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:31 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:31 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James Lipton
LOL! You need to start writing cheesy romance
novels. Perhaps that should be your new
novels. Perhaps that should be your new
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 9:34 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 9:34 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
I will give it some thought if my
own agency doesn't work out or I smother Skinny Skye out of sheer jealousy and
end up in jail with lots of time on my blood-stained hands to write. For now, I need your answers, please.
own agency doesn't work out or I smother Skinny Skye out of sheer jealousy and
end up in jail with lots of time on my blood-stained hands to write. For now, I need your answers, please.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:45 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:45 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
What is your favorite word?
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word? Intolerance.
What is your least favorite word? Intolerance.
What turns you on?
What turns you on?
What turns you off?
What turns you off?
What sound or noise do you love? Screams of ecstasy.
What sound or noise do you love? Screams of ecstasy.
What sound or noise do you hate? Morning alarm clock.
What is your favorite curse word? Cocksucker!
What is your favorite curse word? Cocksucker!
What profession other than your own would like to
attempt? Sex phone operator <just like yours, it also looks so fun
and yummy>.
What profession other than your own would like to
attempt? Sex phone operator <just like yours, it also looks so fun
and yummy>.
What profession would you not like to do? Preschool teacher.
What profession would you not like to do? Preschool teacher.
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when
you arrive at the pearly gates? Yeah,
right, like I'm going to Heaven.
Ha-Larious! But, I suppose
miracles do happen. If that's the case,
I expect God to say, "Shake that heavenly ass on in."
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when
you arrive at the pearly gates? Yeah,
right, like I'm going to Heaven.
Ha-Larious! But, I suppose
miracles do happen. If that's the case,
I expect God to say, "Shake that heavenly ass on in."
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 9:50 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 9:50 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
Somehow I doubt that God is using
the phrase "heavenly ass" but otherwise, the answers are pretty spot
on to what I had anticipated.
the phrase "heavenly ass" but otherwise, the answers are pretty spot
on to what I had anticipated.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:52 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:52 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
Oh, no. Am I becoming too predictable? As we've just established, I think monotony
is a turn off.
is a turn off.
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 9:54 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 9:54 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
You're not predictable. Your sexiness and sassiness are just
anticipated because I know you so well.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:56 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 9:56 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
Works for me. Okay, I'm going to run. This heavenly ass is going to get some beauty
rest, not that I need it.
rest, not that I need it.
From: Renee Greene
– January 22, 2014 – 9:58 PM
– January 22, 2014 – 9:58 PM
To: Shelley
Subject: Re: James
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
If you need beauty rest, I need to
hibernate. Just kidding! Don't go all "pep talk" on me.
hibernate. Just kidding! Don't go all "pep talk" on me.
From: Shelley
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 10:00 PM
Manning – January 22, 2014 – 10:00 PM
To: Renee Greene
Subject: Re:
Lipton Questionnaire
Lipton Questionnaire
Good one. And thank you for sparing me the pep
talk. I'm definitely too tired for that
tonight. Mwah! Mwah!
Lisa Becker had endured her share of hilarious and heinous cyber dates, many of which inspired Click: An Online Love Story, Double Click and Right Click. She is now happily married to a wonderful man she met online and lives in Manhattan Beach with him and their two daughters. So, if it happened for her,
there’s hope for anyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

talk. I'm definitely too tired for that
tonight. Mwah! Mwah!
Lisa Becker had endured her share of hilarious and heinous cyber dates, many of which inspired Click: An Online Love Story, Double Click and Right Click. She is now happily married to a wonderful man she met online and lives in Manhattan Beach with him and their two daughters. So, if it happened for her,
there’s hope for anyone!

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