Descendant by Nichole Giles
Published May 1st, 2013
Published by Rhemalda Publishing (now self published)
Genres: Ya, Fantasy
Seventeen-year-old Abigail Johnson is Gifted.
Blessed—or cursed—with Sight and Healing, Abby lives an unsettled life, moving from place to place and staying one step ahead of the darkness that hunts her. When she arrives in Jackson, Wyoming, she is desperate to maintain the illusion of normalcy, but she is plagued with visions of past lives mixed with frightening glimpses of her future. Then she meets Kye, a mysterious boy who seems so achingly familiar that Abby is drawn to him like he’s a missing piece of her own soul.
Before Abby can discover the reason for her feelings toward Kye, the darkness catches up to her and she is forced to flee again. But this time she’s not just running. She is fighting back with Kye at her side, and it’s not just Abby’s life at stake.
This is Abby’s first day at her new school in Jackson. She is already feeling overwhelmed after being nearly plowed over by some boys having a snowball fight before school, and then meeting Rose, who talks faster than some people type. This scene happens at the beginning of drama class, while the teacher leads them all in some Thai-chi movements, and is the first time Abby and Kye come face-to-face, sort of.
Following his directions, my classmates and I stand with our feet shoulder-width apart, eyes closed, and sweep our arms in circles, aiming first at the floor and then moving toward the ceiling.
"Push out all the dark energy, and pull in your chi," Mr. Akers says in a soothing voice. "Pull in the light, the good, and the happy. Concentrate. Breathe in the positive."
I feel calm. Balanced. Stable.
Until the door behind the stage slams open and a burst of frigid wind hits me from behind. Shivering, I turn toward the source of the distraction.
Someone forces the door closed, pushing hard until the latch clicks. He’s standing in the shadows, so I can only see his outline, but my breath catches when he steps into the light and tosses his coat on a chair. His hair is short up to his ears, but from the top grows long enough to wave softly around his face. Smooth skin stretches taut over the lean muscles in his arms. This guy works out. My heart stutters when our eyes meet. His are pools of the clearest blue I’ve ever seen—a blue that seems to pierce straight through my soul. A spark of familiarity races down my spine. I know those eyes from somewhere.
Why won’t my heart beat normally?
"Glad you could make it to class, Kye." Mr. Akers doesn’t even have to look; he already knows who just came in. He continues to lead the Thai Chi movement as if there was never an interruption. "I assume you have a good reason for being tardy?"
"Yes, sir, I do." Kye’s voice is musical. And familiar. He’s the guy who was talking to Mrs. K. in the office, but that’s not all. I could swear I’ve seen him before, heard his voice before. "I can get a note if you want," he says, tearing his eyes from mine. "Val sends his regards." He takes a place on the stage, far away from me, assumes a Thai Chi stance, and mimics our movement like he’s been doing this his entire life. His breathing is even and slow, as if he hasn’t just come bursting in from the Arctic. As if he isn’t as affected by me as I am by him.
Mr. Akers opens one eye and peers at Kye. "I see." Kye nods and Mr. Akers closes his eye again and finishes the warm up session—apparently needing no further explanation. My intuition spikes and I’m curious. There was something in the look they exchanged, but as hard as I try, I can’t figure out what.
I try to see into Kye’s energy field, but I can’t. For some reason that has nothing to do with the stage lights, I can’t see Kye’s aura at all.
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Descendant-Nichole-Giles/dp/1936850672
About the Author:
Nichole Giles had early career plans that included becoming an actress or a rockstar, but she decided instead to have a family and then become a writer.

Her future aspirations include owning a home on a tropical island, even if it's just a vacation home. For now, she plans to travel to as many tropical locations as possible, scouting for her future paradise.
Currently, she lives with her husband, one of her two sons (the other is in college), two daughters, two golden retrievers, and one lucky bunny rabbit.
Writing is her passion, but she also loves to spend time with her family, travel to exotic destinations, drive in the rain with her convertible top down, and play music at full volume so she can sing along.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicholegiles
Nichole is offering a grand prize pack that includes a print copy of DESCENDANT, a signed poster and bookmark, a wrist band, DESCENDANT lip balm, and a healing crystal AND a $20 Amazon gift card.Then Nichole is also giving away another 1st edition print copy of DESCENDANT and three e-book copies (which will be the new version with the bonus material).*NOTE-once we pass 100 entries, Nichole will add another $20 gift card to the giveaway list, and after 50 more, another one, and so on for every 50 entries thereafter.
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